Code of Ethics
Professional Ethics
Leexè professionals act with honesty, dignity, discretion, correctness, transparency and loyalty, as well as in the obvious respect of ethical rules.
The services to the customers are rendered with commitment and accuracy, with the objective to always provide professional contributions of value and only, to protect the prestige and reputation of Leexè.
The professional activity must be carried out with rectitude and honesty, refraining from conduct oriented towards collusive behavior and soliciting personal advantages, such as offering, directly or indirectly, payments, benefits, and other advantages to entities, or companies, public officials, and public or private employees, to influence or compensate for the assignments or acts in favor of Leexè or its clients.
Professionals are required to avoid any action that may lead to a conflict of interest with the client, even if only apparent, and to refrain from having relationships with suppliers, clients or competitors that could compromise Leexè’s independence or make it doubtful.
The client is always entitled to a prior estimate of the legal costs as accurate as possible and a transparent balance of the activity carried out.
Diversity as resouces
Leexè’s main asset is people, customers, professionals, employees, associates, and the enrichment coming from heterogeneous backgrounds, experiences and skills.
For this reason, Leexè promotes the practices of inclusion within the firm and in society, protecting and valuing diversity, in reference to gender, age, culture, sexual orientation, identity and gender expression, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality, health conditions, different skills.
Leexè is a working environment open to sharing ideas and experiences, collaborative, respectful and aimed at the full realization of people, in the belief that the integration of diversity is a strength of any team.
Talent knows no prejudice. Leexè guarantees all professionals the same opportunities in terms of professional growth and development of their potential, to enhance everyone’s talent and skills.
Environmental sustainability
We are committed to having an ethical and sustainable supply chain and in the continuous search for solutions and practices of daily professional activity that can reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of our business and contribute to a sustainable future.
We choose to buy tools and materials produced with the least environmental impact, we identify virtuous suppliers and orient our habits to the best energy efficiency of the processes and the increasing mitigation of waste production.
Work - Life balance
The personal and the professional have the same dignity in our lives. Our professionals proudly seek a fair balance between professional commitment and personal growth, they care about the customer and their private life.
We don’t believe that a sad and tired professional is not a good professional, but we strongly believe that a professional who feels accomplished within and outside of the office is more enthusiastic, generous and creative, ultimately better.
For this reason, we adopt and promote flexible working models, remote, or in the office, according to everyone’s time and needs.
Shared values
We believe that the principles of sustainability, respect, non-discrimination and inclusion must involve the entire value chain, so we expect our customers, partners and suppliers to share our principles. This is why we orient our purchases and select our suppliers consciously among those who share our same principles.
We actively support actions to raise awareness on issues of environmental sustainability, inclusion and the enhancement of diversity.
We do not tolerate discriminatory behavior or actions.
Leexè’s professionals constantly take care of their continuous training, preserving and increasing their knowledge with particular reference to the sectors in which they carry out their activities.
Leexè promotes training and updating of its professionals on issues of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility in order to positively influence the workplace environment and society.
Leexè does not support, directly or indirectly, parties or political organizations. However, we are committed to spreading a culture of sustainability, inclusion of diversity and combating all kinds of discrimination, through our communication activities and the use of an inclusive and non-discriminatory language.
Behaviors or statements contrary to the principles of the Code of Ethics may be reported by professionals, clients, suppliers, or other parties external to Leexè at